Gender Based Violence as a Public Health Issue Guidelines Category Maternal, Neonatal, Child and Adolescent Health Topic(s) Gender Based Violence Partner(s) WHO Gender Based Violence as a Public Health Issue Guidelines.pdf2.82 MB Tags GBV MISP Minimal Initial Services Package Gender Equality Human rights
Advocacy Booklet on Health Sector Response to GBV in Devolution Perspective Category Maternal, Neonatal, Child and Adolescent Health Topic(s) Gender Based Violence Province/Area National Partner(s) WHO Advocacy Booklet on Health Sector Response to GBV in Devolution Perspective.pdf677.57 KB Tags GBV Gender Equality Human rights Health
GBV and Health Poster 1 English Category Maternal, Neonatal, Child and Adolescent Health Topic(s) Gender Based Violence Province/Area National Partner(s) WHO GBV and Health Poster 1 English.pdf33.52 MB Tags GBV Human rights Gender Equality Health
GBV and Health Poster 1 Urdu Category Maternal, Neonatal, Child and Adolescent Health Topic(s) Gender Based Violence Province/Area National Partner(s) WHO GBV and Health Poster 1 Urdu.pdf33.52 MB Tags GBV Gender Equality Human rights Health
GBV and Health Poster 2 English Category Maternal, Neonatal, Child and Adolescent Health Topic(s) Gender Based Violence Province/Area National Partner(s) WHO GBV and Health Poster 2 English.pdf33.52 MB Tags GBV Human Equality rights Gender
GBV and Health Poster 2 Urdu Category Maternal, Neonatal, Child and Adolescent Health Topic(s) Gender Based Violence Province/Area National Partner(s) WHO GBV and Health Poster 2 Urdu.pdf2.97 MB Tags GBV Gender Equality Human rights Health
Rapid Assessment GBV and Health 2011 Category Maternal, Neonatal, Child and Adolescent Health Topic(s) Gender Based Violence Province/Area National Year 2011 Partner(s) WHO Rapid Assessment GBV and Health 2011.pdf4.29 MB Tags GBV Health Equity Gender Equality Human rights
GBV Adapted Clinical Handbook Final 2018 Category Maternal, Neonatal, Child and Adolescent Health Topic(s) Gender Based Violence Province/Area National Year 2018 Partner(s) WHO GBV Adapted Clinical Handbook Final 2018.pdf1.76 MB Tags GBV HIV Medico Legal Human rights Gender Equality Health Equity
Development of Curricula on Human Rights and Health Equity in Public Health Response 2016 Category Maternal, Neonatal, Child and Adolescent Health Topic(s) Gender Based Violence Province/Area National Year 2016 Partner(s) WHO Development of Curricula on Human Rights and Health Equity in Public Health Response 2016.pdf3.67 MB Tags GBV Gender Based violence Equality Human rights Health
Guide to Managing Gender Based Violence Programmes in Emergencies UNFPA 2008.pdf Thematic Area(s) Cross-Sectoral Linkages Category Sexual and Reproductive Health Topic(s) Gender Based Violence Year 2008 Guide to Managing Gender Based Violence Programmes in Emergencies UNFPA 2008.pdf19.41 MB Tags Gender Mental Health
Guidelines for Gender based Violence Interventions IASC 2005.pdf Thematic Area(s) Cross-Sectoral Linkages Category Sexual and Reproductive Health Topic(s) Gender Based Violence Year 2005 Guidelines for Gender based Violence Interventions IASC 2005.pdf1.84 MB Tags GBV Humanitarian Emergency
Multi Sectoral Referral Pathways for Gender based Violence Survivors in Punjab and KP WHO 2021.pdf Thematic Area(s) Cross-Sectoral Linkages Category Health Systems Topic(s) Gender Based Violence Province/Area Punjab Year 2021 Partner(s) WHO Multi Sectoral Referral Pathways for Gender based Violence Survivors in Punjab and KP WHO 2021.pdf4.48 MB Tags GBV Referral Socio Support
Macto Thematic Area(s) Governance Health Information System Category Disease Prevention Strategies and Planning Topic(s) Reports Gender Based Violence Cancer Sub-Topic(s) Vasectomy Leishmaniasis Cervical Cancer Province/Area National Year 2037 Partner(s) WFP Autem feugiat humo molior premo roto typicus ullamcorper ut. Genitus letalis modo mos saepius sagaciter.1016 bytes Elit ideo neo usitas vindico. Adipiscing dolore huic iusto molior sudo ulciscor utrum voco volutpat.1.17 KB Image(s) Tags Attitudes Technical Behaviour
Clinical Handbook for Health Care for Survivors of Gender Based Violence Pakistan WHO 2018.pdf Thematic Area(s) Packaging Health Services Category Health Systems Topic(s) Gender Based Violence Province/Area National Year 2018 Partner(s) WHO Clinical Handbook for Health Care for Survivors of Gender Based Violence Pakistan WHO 2018.pdf.pdf1.76 MB Tags GBV Health Gender violence Care Worker Survivor
Assessment on Integration of Health Related Human Rights DRAFT 2014 Category Maternal, Neonatal, Child and Adolescent Health Topic(s) Gender Based Violence Province/Area National Year 2014 Assessment on Integration of Health Related Human Rights DRAFT 20141.47 MB Tags GBV Health Equity Gender Equality Human rights